Open Rhombus Twist

The Open Rhombus Twist (also called Spread Rhombus Twist) is an uncommon twist that has been used by several different designers.

Crease Patterns and Folded Forms


Uses in Tessellations

Open rhombus twists are folded starting from an equilateral triangle grid and the folds that outline the rhombus itself are not on grid lines.

The twist can be folded with or without precreasing these folds, depending on the expertise of the folder.

This twist is lesson commonly used in origami tessellations since it uses more grid than the closed rhombus twist.

Here’s some examples of tessellations that use this twist:

Video Tutorial


The open rhombus twist dates back to at least the early 2000s.

If you have additional information about the history of this twist, please share it in the comments below!

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