Isoarea Closed Hexagon Twist

The Isoarea Closed Hexagon Twist is an advanced-level twist in origami tessellations and is a direct modification on the Closed Hexagon Twist.

Crease Patterns and Folded Forms


Uses in Tessellations

Isoarea closed hexagon twists were first popularized by Joel Cooper in his masks and other tessellations, where they are often seen in a 3D form. This twist uses only folds found in an equilateral triangle grid.

While there is one pattern that uses only isoarea closed hexagon twists, these twists are typically used alongside triangle twists.

Here’s some examples of tessellations that use this twist:

Video Tutorial


The isoarea closed hexagon twist dates back to at least the early 2000s and features heavily in work by Joel Cooper.

If you have additional information about the history of this twist, please share it in the comments below!

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